Tools4MSP Geoplatform - legacy/deprecated version

Feb. 10, 2023, 11:25 a.m.

The new version of the Tools4MSP Geoplatform is now available at the following URL The use of the current site for the creation of new contents is now discouraged. However this site will continue to remain active and the resources (layers, maps, users) will continue to be accessible.
CCH - Cetacean Critical Habitats
Varied / Original
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Critical Cetacean habitat refers to those parts of a cetaceans range, either a whole species or a particular population of that species, that are essential for day-to-day survival, as well as for maintaining a healthy population growth rate. Areas that are regularly used for feeding (including hunting), breeding (all aspects of courtship) and raising calves, as well as, sometimes, migrating, are part of critical habitat, especially if these areas are regularly used.
'Critical habitats' are areas such as spawning grounds, nursery grounds, or other areas harboring vulnerable life stages (Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources, 2000).
Critical habitat is identified under the US Endangered Species Act of 1973 but, to date, has mainly been applied to land-based endangered species. For more information on the areas go to
Please cite the dataset as follows: MAPAMED, the database on Sites of interest for the conservation of marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea. MedPAN, UNEP/MAP/RAC-SPA. May 2016 release.

Publication Date
Vector Data
Environmental Protection
Marine Protected Areas, Natura 2000, other protection areas
More info
Unless otherwise indicated, re-use of MAPAMED data for non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided that the source is clearly and fully acknowledged. For more information visit:
Supplemental Information

No information provided

Spatial Representation Type
vector data is used to represent geographic data
Attribute Name Label Description Range Average Median Standard Deviation
Number NA
Category NA
fid NA

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